Mayor should return memorial This is in defense of Sally Rinker, who recently had to endure the pain of Vernon Mayor Anthony Rossi removing the memorial... Letters to the Editor 10 Aug 2024 | 10:44
In memory of Layton This is in memory of a dear friend, Layton Bergman. Layton was one of the kindest, most generous, caring, sweetest men I... Letters to the Editor 11 Mar 2024 | 11:59
Rinker can solve Vernon’s issues Thank you Vernon residents for your support in signing the petition for Sally Rinker to get her name on the Nov. 7 ballot.... Letters to the Editor 07 Sep 2023 | 07:22
Tribute to a friend This is a tribute to my wonderful friend. Some people may know her as Lillian Mangiafico or as Lillian Newell. Lillian was... Letters to the Editor 23 Jul 2023 | 02:27
Show the police the respect and gratitude they deserve To the Editor: There has recently been a lot of negativity and malice directed toward our police officers. They are facing... Letters to the Editor 22 Aug 2021 | 07:00
Without love for one another, there will never be peace in the world To the Editor: I still remember the one and only college course I took. It was a Psychology II class and was taught by a wonderful... Letters to the Editor 03 Jul 2020 | 09:28
Joanne Rose Jones A tribute to my wonderful friend Joanne Jones This is a tribute to the life of my wonderful and very special friend Joanne Jones. We met at a bible study and continued... Letters to the Editor 25 May 2020 | 06:38
Freedom is the greatest privilege When we go to the polls to vote on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, we should attempt to vote for those who correspond with our... Letters to the Editor 14 Oct 2019 | 01:56
Attend VTA candidates event On Wednesday, Oct. 16, at 7:30 p.m. there will be a Candidates Forum at the Vernon Township High School sponsored by the... Letters to the Editor 10 Oct 2019 | 12:26