To the Editor:
Please allow me to interrupt the steady stream of anti-Trump letters with a positive thought.
In response to Governor Murphy’s request to fly flags at half-mast, we did so. However, what we didn’t recognize was that the flag was now capable of getting hooked and ripped on the tennis court fence.
So, on Flag Day, we enlisted our 14-year-old grandson, Joey Smart. He was able to get the old flag down but he was not successful in unwinding the rope to put up the new large replacement flag. So he brought it back into the house and with the precision of those trained to do so, folded that flag so that the final result was the same that I have seen at many military funerals over the years. When he handed the flag to my wife, folded perfectly and tucked in at the edges, I thought the only thing missing were the words, “from a grateful nation.”
Watching his respect for the flag lifted my spirit to a height greater than listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing the national anthem. In this country, there are millions of Joey Smarts capable of lifting our spirits and convincing us that our future is in good hands. By the way, he didn’t give up. He got a ladder, fixed the rope, and the flag now flies well above the fence.
Okay, anti-Trump letter writers, your turn.
George T. Daggett
Sparta, N.J.