Cancelling children’s event as ‘low as you can go’ I would also like to thank Mrs. Gorman for her letter to the editor surrounding the recent actions of Sussex Aviation against... Letters to the Editor 10 May 2022 | 11:43
Support your local paper (You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone) To the Editor: I am recommending that people that receive the Advertiser-News North make a donation to keep receiving the... Letters to the Editor 03 Jan 2022 | 02:17
One of the biggest psychological stunts in history To the Editor: Fear is one of the seven universal emotions. It can be physical, psychological, real or imagined. Fear is your... Letters to the Editor 29 Nov 2021 | 05:07
A new day is dawning in America To the Editor: Well, I told you. By the time this letter is published, Joseph Robinette Biden will have been elected the 46th... Letters to the Editor 09 Nov 2020 | 06:31
Franklin taxes increase almost 10% without assessment increase To the Editor: I just went to pay my fourth-quarter tax bill on Nov. 1 for Franklin Borough, when I noticed a nice surprise... Letters to the Editor 09 Nov 2020 | 06:21
NJ Coalition of Lake Associations is focused on lining the pockets of heartless organizations To the Editor: On Sept. 30, Governor Murphy signed into law the long-awaited, Legislation S908, sponsored by our own 24th... Letters to the Editor 19 Oct 2020 | 06:38
Don’t believe misinformation about Democrats and the suburbs The Republican game plan has been to spread misinformation about the impact of Democratic victories on the suburbs. “No one... Letters to the Editor 19 Oct 2020 | 06:32
Mr. Schnackenberg is misinformed in all aspects of voting security To the Editor: In response to Mr. Schnackenberg’s last two letters, the letter in which you stated that the Republican stench... Letters to the Editor 21 Sep 2020 | 05:47
Why Republicans are afraid of mail-in ballots To the Editor: It is obvious why Republicans are so afraid of mail-in ballots. It is because Russia is not able to hack mailed... Letters to the Editor 31 Aug 2020 | 05:03
Some corrections to the letter about the USPS ‘slow down’ To the Editor: I feel I must correct a couple of comments made by Bonnie Rubin in her letter about the postal service and... Letters to the Editor 31 Aug 2020 | 05:00
GOP needs a reality check To the Editor: As I watched the RNC Convention coverage last week, I thought it must be being broadcast from an alternate... Letters to the Editor 31 Aug 2020 | 04:49
With very heavy hearts, we must cancel Operation Toy Train this year To the Editor: It is with great sadness and very heavy hearts that Operation Toy Train, in conjunction with our host railroads,... Letters to the Editor 31 Aug 2020 | 04:45
Sparta must start from the beginning on Glen Lake dam assessments To the Editor: On July 21, the New Jersey Supreme Court unanimously decided that Sparta Township’s assessment of 58 property... Letters to the Editor 31 Aug 2020 | 04:40
Kudos to the Sparta road department To the Editor: I want to thank the Sparta Road Department for taking care of a drainage problem on Elora Lane. Mike, the supervisor,... Letters to the Editor 31 Aug 2020 | 04:24
Those who vote for Biden are truly imbeciles incarnate To the Editor: First of all I have implored you in the past to limit the nonsense written by the area’s most ignorant anti-Trump... Letters to the Editor 28 Aug 2020 | 01:25