Woman’s Club ‘Plants’ Pinwheels to Raise Awareness of Child Abuse
Vernon. Members of the GFWC Vernon Township Woman’s Club planted pinwheel gardens in observance of Child Abuse Prevention Month in April.

In observance of Child Abuse Prevention Month in April, members of the GFWC Vernon Township Woman’s Club “planted” pinwheel gardens at the Vernon Municipal Building, the PAL Building, and the Community Garden.
Club President Maria Dorsey said they selected three prominent locations where the pinwheels would be widely noticed by children and adults alike. Each colorful garden is accompanied by a sign explaining that the pinwheels represent a commitment to healthy, happy childhoods for all children in the community.
Sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Child Abuse Prevention Month recognizes the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect.
Mayor Howard Burrell applauded the Woman’s Club for the “unique way they bring special attention to this very serious and important social issue.” He said,
“The Club’s annual planting of pinwheels helps in the effort to let our community know that we all have an important part to play” in preventing and reducing child abuse cases,” he said.
The Vernon Township Woman’s Club is dedicated to helping those in need, through community service and philanthropic activities. The club meets monthly from September through June; membership is open to women of all ages from all towns.