From left: Ryan Berg, Karl Latham, and Alex Collins (Photo provided) Local pros keep the music playing during shutdown Warwick, N.Y., residents Ryan Berg and former longtime Sparta, N.J., resident Karl Latham teamed up to share music with family... Entertainment 22 Jun 2021 | 10:40
Saxophonist/composer Don Braden and drummer Karl Latham (Photo provided) Big Fun(k) to perform grooving, soulful jazz on Sparta stage This Sparta Summer Concert Series continues this Friday evening with the jazz ensemble Big Fun(k) to perform on the Nicholson... Entertainment 31 Aug 2020 | 05:29
Audience members do their part to fight the pandemic by sticking to their chalk circles (Photo by Vera Olinski) ‘I could almost cry’: Audience is rejuvenated by open air concert “Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the Sparta Music Series,” said Peter Karp of Peter Karp and the Roadshow. “This is the... Entertainment 25 Aug 2020 | 05:40