Tested positive for Covid-19? Got exposed? Here’s the latest guidelines If you’ve been infected with Covid-19: The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has shortened the recommended isolation time... Home 03 Jan 2022 | 02:08
Sickening to read outlandish lies about the vaccine To the Editor: Before I comment on the above, a few comments on The Sparta Independent. It is sad and dangerous that you would... Letters to the Editor 14 Dec 2021 | 10:19
I would like to address the man from Franklin To the Editor: I would like to address the man from Franklin. The point of my previous letter was not to wade into the vaccine... Letters to the Editor 14 Dec 2021 | 10:14
Letter writer is entitled to embrace vaccines, but not to discredit me In response to Laura Rust’s post about being “disingenuous” regarding asking questions, I think it’s important for her to... Letters to the Editor 06 Dec 2021 | 06:13
I would like to request some more research from that lady from Sparta To the Editor: I would like to request some more research from that lady from Sparta on those “vaccine questions” she answered.... Letters to the Editor 29 Nov 2021 | 05:14
The government drafted me to fight in a war, but won’t mandate a lifesaving shot To the Editor: When I turned 18, the law required me to register for the draft during the Vietnam War. Had I refused to register,... Letters to the Editor 29 Nov 2021 | 05:03
Here are easy answers to Jonathan Leroux’s disingenuous ‘vaccine questions’ To the Editor: In response to Jonathan Leroux’s very disingenuous “vaccine questions to consider” letter, I suspect he meant... Letters to the Editor 19 Nov 2021 | 06:31
Vaccine questions to consider To the Editor: 1. If a booster shot is required every year can you ever be fully vaccinated? 2. Why are places like Signapore... Letters to the Editor 15 Nov 2021 | 10:50
NJ day care workers will have to get vaccine or be tested Covid vaccine. (AP) Workers at New Jersey child care centers must be vaccinated against COVID-19 or undergo regular weekly... Local News 27 Sep 2021 | 05:51
Summer vaccination numbers: Not so hot Though COVID-19 vaccines were made widely available this summer, the rate of vaccination slowed across the Tri-state area... Local News 27 Aug 2021 | 04:30
Sussex County Covid Vaccine Resources ■ Sussex County seniors who require assistance scheduling a vaccine appointment can call the Sussex County Division of Senior... Home 27 Jul 2021 | 12:57
Covid vaccine suggestion: Ask your doctor To the Editor: After reading Ms. Sue Speck’s letters to the editor for three weeks in a row, and the reasoned responses that... Letters to the Editor 07 Jun 2021 | 05:49
Better wear a mask around anti-vax letter writer To the Editor: In Ms. Speck’s letter, “Painful truths met with derision” she seeks to justify her position voiced in a previous... Letters to the Editor 07 Jun 2021 | 05:47
Anti-vaccine letter contains several falsehoods To the Editor: I read an opinion letter that I found reckless and irresponsible as the writer attempted to convince people... Letters to the Editor 10 May 2021 | 06:25
Why I had the shot To the Editor: Regarding the letter “Why I won’t have the shot,” we all have the legal right to refuse the Covid-19 vaccine... Letters to the Editor 10 May 2021 | 06:22