The pandemic should not have reached this point To the Editor: While many governors step up to a need for masks at all levels, some just fiddle and make waves that are dangerous... Letters to the Editor 09 Aug 2021 | 04:40
Lessons on race not yet learned To the Editor: After seeing the events that occurred in Tulsa 100 years ago on CBS and which were also taught to me by a well... Letters to the Editor 06 Jul 2021 | 10:01
Apple rolling over like a dog to China We are in deep competition with China in every industry, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Electrical Cars, Rocketry,... Letters to the Editor 27 May 2021 | 03:41
America’s infrastructure needs To the Editor: President Biden’s proposed infrastructure bill is predicated on the2021 Report Card for America’s infrastructure,... Letters to the Editor 05 Apr 2021 | 06:42
Joe Biden wants to bridge the gaps To the Editor: Biden’s speech focused on a number of points, but two items stick out. One is not to view other Americans are... Letters to the Editor 25 Jan 2021 | 05:55
Riot and treason To the Editor: I have been in the Capitol and many of the House and Senate Offices on poverty issues and often for drug issues!... Letters to the Editor 11 Jan 2021 | 06:29
The election is over! To the Editor: On a day that is was revealed that we are headed to a white collar approach to foreign policy and a new secretary... Letters to the Editor 14 Dec 2020 | 04:08
A dangerous form of campaigning To the Editor: Trump has engaged in a dangerous form of campaigning. Starting with a Tulsa opening, that has long brought... Letters to the Editor 23 Jun 2020 | 01:11
Why is Huawei seen as dangerous? To the Editor: The supposed reason noted by the Trump Administration is the Chinese giant is accused of espionage and IP or... Letters to the Editor 23 Jun 2020 | 11:57
The governor was right to close our parks To the Editor: The governor’s request and stand not to open parks is indeed a serious one. Sure, Sussex County has a lesser... Letters to the Editor 13 Apr 2020 | 03:26
Blunders at the top To the Editor: Foreign Policy magazine noted on March 13 that Trump could start a trade war based on silly debunked 18th-century... Letters to the Editor 30 Mar 2020 | 01:21
Finance, stimulation and who is on first with our economy I love Lou Costello, and his - Who is on First" is perfect for what is going on in the White House, the Governor's Office... Letters to the Editor 26 Mar 2020 | 02:29
Climate changes and our chances narrow It seems someone got to criticize me on a full page in Straus Newspapers. I forgot his name and local Head of the Sierra... Letters to the Editor 10 Mar 2020 | 01:36
Saving us from climate change won't kills us Most, if not all sensible people know that saving us from severe climate change won't hurt the economy. That my friends was... Letters to the Editor 31 Jan 2020 | 03:11
Measles on a steep rise The World Health Organization (WHO) and our own U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have both found that Measles... Letters to the Editor 06 Dec 2019 | 02:41