Zoom event: What does it take to get your words from page to screen? The mysterious process of translating the written word to the screen will be illuminated in a virtual conversation offered... Entertainment 24 Feb 2021 | 12:43
These graphs from the Pennsylvania Department of Health show the sharp rise in new coronavirus cases in Pike County. The numbers for November have not been seen since April and May, at the height of the pandemic. On Monday, Nov. 9, eleven new cases were reported in Pike, the highest per-day number since May 1. As Covid cases take off in Pike County, we must redouble our efforts to stay safe An Open Letter to our Pike County Neighbors: Pike County has much to be proud of concerning our response to the Covid pandemic.... Letters to the Editor 11 Nov 2020 | 10:12
Gloria Steinem, Photo: MARIO ANZUONI ‘Doing It Write,’ right now, with Gloria Steinem and Suzanne Braun Levine The kick-off to the Milford Readers and Writers Festival’s first online global event, “Doing It Write,” will come at a profoundly... Entertainment 26 Aug 2020 | 06:44
Gloria Steinem will explore what the gender gap may mean for November’s election (Mario Anzuoni) Doing It Write – Milford Readers and Writers to hold first online global event The Milford Readers and Writers Festival has been doing it right for the past four years with unprecedented success. This... Entertainment 05 Aug 2020 | 06:32
Bob Eckstein captures the spirit of the Milford Readers & Writers Festival through his drawings, like this one. What makes RAW run? An inside view of the Milford Readers and Writers Festival Why is the Milford Readers and Writers Festival (RAW) so successful? It is the gestalt of creative famous people and events... Local News 03 Jul 2020 | 10:21