To the Editor:
On behalf of the far more than 100 citizens who participated in the pro-law enforcement rally on the Green in Newton, I want to recognize the Knights of Columbus (KofC) of Newton for sponsoring the event.
On June 14, 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed into law the addition of the words “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance. As an 11 year old in sixth grade, it took some time to get used to the new phrase in the pledge that we recited every morning. It was the KofC that lobbied successfully to have it become a very significant phrase without punctuation.
Might the recent toppling of Christopher Columbus statues be an attack not just on a great discoverer but also a great Christian, a man of God?
I consider my 27 years in law enforcement and my total 60 years as a first responder as doing God’s work. I truly believe that the men and women of all faiths who put uniforms on and go to work place their trust in their deity.
“No Justice! No Peace!” fails to recognize that justice is deliberative not reactionary. Many police actions are instantly assailed as brutality with self-proclaimed Marxists using peaceful demonstrations as Trojan Horses to foment anarchy. The results of thorough investigations have shown that the Martin, Brown, Brand, Taylor and other cases were lawful police work. To literally target the entire police profession without full investigations is more than criminal.
During the nearly two hour rally, dozens of horns blared concurrently with many hundreds heard over the time of the event. About 70% of drivers either blew their horns or gave “thumbs up.”
Thank you Knights of Columbus and all who participated in the rally and signaled their support.
Eskil S. Danielson
Byram Township