Luce has judgment, experience to lead

| 28 May 2024 | 07:18

    This primary election cycle, we have a truly qualified candidate on the ballot. He’s running a clean campaign, has a clear message, and his candidacy is supported by a long history of dedicating his time and resources in our community.

    Having had the pleasure of meeting Marcus, there is no question he is the right person for the job. He possesses the mature judgment and experience to lead and has the charisma to inspire fresh faces where it is needed on our municipal boards.

    Look at the number of households displaying his signs in their yards, and take notice where many are found. Start in his neighborhood and look at the volume of support he has from those who know him best.

    Then go beyond his home turf. You’ll find his signs in yards representing leadership in law enforcement, youth sports, fire department/EMS, school board, agriculture, local affairs and community advocacy.

    Those people who are most engaged in the betterment of our community have made it clear Marcus Luce is the right choice.

    If you want to know more, call him at 973-702-0305. We did, and he invited us over to meet and see his farm.

    I encourage my fellow Wantage Republicans to join Clara and me in electing Marcus Luce to Wantage Township Committeeman on Tuesday, June 4.

    John and Clara Nuss


    Editor’s note: Both John and Clara Nuss are former members of the Wantage Township Committee.