‘Let’s Go Brandon’ flags on Sparta homes hurt children and the whole community
To the Editor:
My name is Erin Durkin. I take care of children. I currently care for and deeply love three young children in town named Brandon.
I understand freedom of speech, and I certainly understand swinging and missing on a joke.
However, I now have to avoid certain thoroughfares throughout town and the lake while I am with any child named Brandon because of the “Let’s Go, Brandon” flags people display in front of their homes.
I’ve also learned that other children named Brandon, or some variation of it, in the upper grades, are teased on the bus as they pass any, “Let’s Go, Brandon” flags, due to what it stands for.
Children now are more sophisticated than we were. Nothing goes over their heads. Yet they continue to blow us all out of the water with their basic decency and compassion.This isn’t a campus; it’s their home. And it’s why we all choose to live here or chose to move here.
Erin Durkin