To the Editor:
Reference is made to the letter from Mr. Wayne Daniels that appeared in the July 29th edition of the Township Journal. While I thank Mr. Daniel’s for his service to our elections for four decades as well as his right to change his political party, I would question his reasoning for doing so. What has been labeled as “The Big Lie” may well go down in history as “The Big Steal.”
For me as an educated, trained and experienced investigator, there are far too many unexplained inconsistencies, discrepancies and anomalies in several swing states to stop legitimate inquiries into the erstwhile certified election results in those states. As we just saw in the New York City democrat mayoral primary, it now appears that an honest error was made by the board of elections in tallying some 135,000 test ballots. In three swing states (AZ, GA and WI) in 2020, Biden won by a total of 44,000 votes. Irregularities pointed out and not yet explained in those states as well as but a 200,000 total vote margin in PA, MI and NV begs the question: Was there a perfect storm of errors that caused the election being certified in error? Was there intentional manipulation of the election? Using a certified total of about160M votes cast, the aforementioned 244K votes margin is an error of about 0.15%. (.00015).GA, MI, PA and WI altered their election process before November 2020 and even mid-vote.
Pop-up voting places, unsecured ballot boxes, ballot harvesting, unsolicited absentee ballot mailings, unpurged voter lists, the blocking of poll watchers are points in evidence. At this writing, there are many legal actions still pending over the electoral process changes.
I am sure Mr. Daniel knows that redress through the legislatures and courts is basic to a democracy. Those 40 states are not legislating “voter suppression” but rather “voting integrity.” Even a minority of justices on the SCOTUS dissented in one of the few procedural cases that reached that level. So far, courts in the country have only ruled on the 2020 election processes.
I, for one, would like to know if my vote was at least a part of an honest process. When AZ, GA,MI, NV, PA and WI. resolve their issues, we may be closer to far less questions in 2024. To make this another “racial issue” is to beg the question: Why are the changes being made in these states through the legislative process making voting more available in those states than Delaware?
Eskil S. Danielson