Dudzinski is the ‘known’ candidate for Wantage

| 20 May 2024 | 12:28

    We all experienced standing on line in a familiar store only to have a stranger elbow his way to the front, smiling all the way.  Let me introduce you to Wantage Committee candidate Marcus Luce. 

    Only two years after presenting his marijuana agenda to the Wantage Township Committee, Marcus has suddenly evolved into a fiscally conservative Republican who feels entitled to be one of three ... top ... leaders in Wantage so that he can have a “leg up” to influence policies and laws favorable to promote ... his ... marijuana business.

    In the past, it seems Wantage attracted businesses no other municipality wanted:  gravel mining that spews air and noise pollution on its neighbors; smelly soil processing that stinks up neighborhoods far from its location; warehouse possibilities and now ... the growing, harvesting, distributing and sale of marijuana. 

    The marijuana of today differs significantly from the marijuana of the ’60s, which was less addictive and 60 percent less potent. Preliminary results show that long-term use of today’s marijuana may have a dangerous effect on the user’s mind and body.    

    Marcus Luce tells us he likes Wantage. Who wouldn’t? 

    People also like Justin Dudzinski, a lifelong Wantage resident, husband and father who continues to volunteer his time on our Land Use Board and was also a prior candidate for the committee. 

    By serving on the Land Use Board, Justin has become familiar with our ordinances, regulations and “feel” of Wantage. 

    As a family man, he will be mindful of the effect his decisions will have on all Wantage residents, families and businesses. 

    Justin is a solid citizen with no personal agenda, and he will act in the best interest of Wantage.

    Most importantly, who is Marcus Luce?  He tells us that he is an avid fiscal conservative Republican, but the provided record tells a different story.   

    What is his history? We don’t know. 

    Besides marijuana, what does he stand for? We don’t know that either. 

    Here’s what we do know: This man has a sketchy past of voter affiliations and only recently declared himself a fiscal conservative Republican. 

    Now he’s promising to lower taxes, which we all know is unlikely, and he’s defending undefined values. Is Marcus so arrogant as to think we are too unaware to know that he doesn’t deserve our vote based on the sketchy information he provided?   

    On June 4, do the safe thing. Vote for the “known” and proven candidate for Wantage Township Committee: Justin Dudzinski.

    Ann Smulewicz
