What will your luck be in 2014?
By John T. Whiting
Many people think number 13 as unlucky and that the past year 2013 was an unlucky year. They might site numerous examples of tornadoes, school bombings, the government shutdown and the many other negative occurrences that tend to be the focus of so much of the media’s attention to prove their point.
However, the more positive thinking among us might simply look around at the blessing we have had to enjoy in 2013 living in the Vernon area of Sussex County — the beautiful mountains, hiking trails, lakes, musical events, golfing, skiing and riding opportunities and the friendships with so many nice people in our community. Yes, there have been some negative occurrences in 2013, but in balance, the positives of being a resident of Sussex County and the ability to enjoy all in 2013 far outweighs any of the negatives of the past year.
As 2014 unfolds, those who are superstitious regarding the number 13 can put those thoughts behind them and make a New Year’s resolution to enjoy life. There is a lot of truth in the axiom “life is what you make it.” Why not make a New Year’s resolution to celebrate the blessings, enjoy the friendships and “have fun in 2014? Such a resolution would be so much more enjoyable to commit to than one that requires the loss of 10 pounds, giving up smoking or the promise to be nice to your mother-in-law or other promises that will be difficult to keep. Such a resolution can also help make 2014 a lucky year regardless of superstitions.
It also is interesting to note that the arrival of 2014 will provide a last opportunity to experience a date that includes sequential numbers for years to come. Dec. 13 in 2014 will be numerically noted as 12-13-14. The next time a date will be numerically sequential will be in 89 years occurring on January 2nd 2103 which will be numerically noted as 01-02-03.
Have a Happy New Year and have fun.