Sparta runner to be inducted into Hall of Fame

SPARTA — August was a big month for Sparta native Justin Scheid. He was voted to be inducted into the Sussex County Hall of Fame and got engaged to his high school sweetheart Jessica Monico.
Scheid and Monico are both 2004 graduates of Pope John XXIII Regional High School in Sparta.
"It was a big month," Scheid said. "(Being selected) did surprise me. I definitely enjoyed having being nominated."
A family tradition
Running is a family tradition with the Scheids. Justin began his running career as a child very young.
"I first started running with my brother and my dad," Scheid said. "My dad ran when my brother and I were younger. We played soccer and baseball occasionally but after school we would run around development."
Moving up from running for fun to a race, Scheid began racing in fourth grade in a cross country kids race in Randolph. He was hooked.
In fifth grade Scheid joined the track team in fifth grade for Reverend George A Brown Memorial School in Sparta, which his mother coached.
"My mom never ran that much but did it entirely because she knew it was something I wanted to do and there was not a way to do without her," said Scheid, noting that their was no track team until his mother coached. "She got books on coaching. Dad was helpful and developed workouts and ideas for mom."
Scheid ran right through middle school, high school and into college. He was a prominent runner at Pope John and Georgetown University and is currently a lead runner for Team Eastern, a Sussex County running group.
Getting faster
"It was a process for sure," Scheid said of his running career. "I went into high school just about 5 foot tall and weighting 90 pounds in a wet T-shirt. I was anxious to run in high school because I knew everyone would run faster than me. But everyone on the team was excellent as in terms of support. I just kept plugging away at it. The best thing about track is if you put in the time and effort, you see pretty clearly your improvements. Every year running I have gotten faster than the preceding year."
Fast would be an understatement for Scheid.
His personal best times for 1 mile is 4:09, 3,200 meter is 8:55, 5K (3.1 miles) is 14:05, Half Marathon (13.1 miles) is 1:07:31 and Marathon (26.2 miles) 2:27:47.
And with every step of the way, Scheid's family was there to cheer him on.
"My parents made every race, just about, and if not they would call on the phone as soon as it was over," Scheid said. "Sometimes I would get back to my backpack and there would already be a missed call from them."
Scheid will be inducted into the Hall of Fane in November and will continue running for as long as his legs will carry him.
"My favorite thing about running is the freedom of it," Scheid said. "No matter what goes on go, in that moment no matter what you did during the day it is melted away. You step away from everything, I've always enjoyed that aspect of it. It is easy to go out for run, feel refreshed and a great break."