New Jersey Special Olympics speed skaters line up for a 500-meter race Tuesday, Feb. 4 at Skylands Ice World in Stockholm. (Photos by Nancy Madacsi)

Speed skaters Christopher McMullen, Avery Richardson, Kristina Pkhrikyan and Thomas Edward Hodnett.

Edward Hodnett

Robert Lieu

Kristina Pkhrikyan and Avery Richardson

Volunteer Al Harding watches speed skaters, from left, Joseph Pilchuk, Salvatore Luppino and James Smith.

Kristina Pkhrikyan

Hardyston Police Officer Jared Edelbach and Isabella Szulc.

Hardyston Police Officer Jared Edelbach with speed skaters.

Hardyston Police Officers Jared Kodis, left, and Justin Edelbach, right, with speed skaters Joseph Pilchuk and Robert Lieu.

Hardyston Police Officer Justin Edelbach and Srikar Chalia.

Hardyston Police Officers Jared Kodis, left, and Andrew Reeves, right, with Avery Richardson and Kristina Pkhrikyan.

Dylan Patrick Madrid, Paul Pantano and Salvatore Luppino

Srikar Challa

A 500-meter race is about to begin.

Bobby Vig and Thomas Antoniazzi

Robert Lieu

Salvatore Luppino II

Paul Pantano

Srikar Challa and Gina Cioffi

Speed skaters at the starting line.

Ramapo High School hockey team members volunteer to help with the Special Olympics.

Millburn High School seventh-graders cheer at the Special Olympics.

Ramapo High School hockey coaches David Chen, Michael McLachlan and John Russo.

Laura Cioffi, Rachelle Zeluff, Claudia Puccio and Lisa Hodnett have children competing in the Special Olympics.