Wallkill Refuge hosts Great Backyard Bird Count

| 18 Feb 2014 | 11:58

VERNON — The Friends of Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge once again used the annual Great Backyard Bird Count to educate students about the wide variety of native birds living in northeastern New Jersey on Sunday afternoon. The afternoon’s presentation included pointers on bird identification, bird feeding, and helpful hints on how to help birds survive a harsh winter environment. A selection of suitable seeds and similar foods were spread across tabletops so that attendees could make treats to bring home for their own neighborhood feathered friends.

From the warmth of the refuge headquarters, observers were able to see a variety of birds take advantage of a feeder suspended outside the room’s north facing windows. Information about the various species that were sighted can be found at www.birdcount.org. The Friends of Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge has many seasonal activities coming up in the months to follow. Visit their Facebook page and website at www.fwrnwr.org for additional information.

— Photos by Chris Wyman