Vernon council changes email deadline
Vernon. The Vernon Township Council will continue to accept emailed comments for upcoming Township Council meetings up until 4 p.m. on the day of the meeting.

The Vernon Township Council will continue to read emailed resident comments at future meetings, however the deadline to submit the email has changed.
The council on Sept. 13 approved resolution 21-204 to change the deadline from 6:45 p.m. on the day of the meeting to 4 p.m.
The measure passed 3-2 with Councilwomen Toni Cilli and Kelly Weller voting against it.
However, the way the ordinance was originally written, it stated the deadline was the “preceding” business day, which could have made residents wrongly believe the deadline was the previous Friday.
“I respect the reason for this change being that we need to give (Township Clerk) Marcy (Gianattasio) some time to prepare,” Councilman Andrew Pitsker said. “And, out of fairness to her getting these emails, it does give the public still four days to write an email. But the way this reads right now, it looks like it could be a Friday, or it could be a Monday and I looked at this and say it’s up to the language.”
Gianattasio said that’s how the resolution is going to be worded. That’s the only change to the previously passed resolution.