Vernon Chamber hosts scarecrow contest
Vernon. On Oct. 27, the judges will travel around and select first-, second-, and third-place winners plus honorable mention awards.

The Vernon Chamber of Commerce will be hosting its annual scarecrow contest. Here’s what you need to know:
● Must use a real pumpkin for the head. Keep it family friendly
● Must be a Vernon resident or Vernon business.
● Submit your scarecrow to by 6 p.m. on Oct. 22 with: scarecrow title, your name, address of scarecrow, category (resident or business). Also, follow, like, and share the contest page.
There will be cash prizes. Businesses win “bragging rights.”
On Sunday, Oct. 27, the panel of judges will travel around and select first-, second-, and third-place winners plus honorable mention awards. All winners will be announced on Facebook on Oct. 31 at 6 a.m.
Online voting for “People’s Choice Favorite Scarecrow” and “People’s Choice Favorite Business” occurs from Oct. 28, at 9 a.m. and closes out on Oct. 29 at midnight. Only one vote per Facebook account/user will be allowed. Anyone can create a scarecrow simply for fun. You do not have to enter the contest.
For more information email or visit the chamber’s Facebook page.