'Tools of the Mind' an educational head start
VERNON — When it’s time for teenagers to head to college, it’s no secret that having gotten good grades and learned as much as possible in high school will help the graduating students hit the ground running when they arrive on campus.
Therefore, it should be no surprise that when children start attending kindergarten, a similar preschool education provides the same “head start” potential that can give each individual child a learning advantage as they begin their formal education.
According to Walnut Ridge Primary School Principal Rosemary Gebhardt, her preschool’s roster includes children requiring special attention and general education children with normal learning abilities.
Rather than being a so called “day-care” facility, as are many of the businesses in the area, the preschool programs at Walnut Ridge last just more than 2 1/2 hours per session and are based on a set curriculum.
Brochures describing the school’s “Tools of the Mind” program are available for parents who would like to learn more about how Walnut Ridge implements this well-recognized series of learning tools presented by certified teachers.
According to a recent news release from Gebhardt, in addition a recent musical performance in December that the children put on for family and family friends, additional activities for her children have included apple picking at Pochuck Valley Farms, picking pumpkins donated by Price Chopper of Warwick, and a pizza party courtesy of Vernon’s Pizza Pros.
The tuition-based preschool program is open to Vernon residents between the ages of three and five and uses the New Jersey Department of Education-approved “Tools of the Mind” curriculum.
The central focus of program is the development of self-regulation and executive function skills along with academic skills. The program uses research-based teaching techniques to promote literacy and math development, while at the same time building social and emotional skills.
One very effective and foundational aspect of the program’s curriculum is blending learning with play. The school year is segmented into different play themes, where a whole classroom transformation takes place. For example, during the first theme of the year, “family," classroom centers become different rooms in a house.
As the year progresses, the classroom transforms into a grocery store, restaurant, a pet store, veterinarian or doctor’s office, and even a farm. The students work daily on drawing and writing during play planning. During this time, students get to make a choice as to what center they would like to play in that day. Before playing, they must first make a play plan, which includes expressing what they are going to do, followed by drawing and/or writing their plan. Teachers guide each child based on their own individual abilities.
There are still some preschool openings available for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year. There will be an opportunity to observe a preschool classroom in action and learn more about the program at Walnut Ridge on Wednesday, Feb. 12, at the school’s open house at 9:30 a.m. or at their parent information night at 6:30 p.m. Those unable to make the open house or the parent information night and would like to arrange for a tour, may call the school at 973-764-2801. The school is located in the valley on Route 517 near St. Francis de Sales church.