Sussex Middle School students celebrate Thanksgiving

SUSSEX BOROUGH — The Sussex Middle School celebrated Thanksgiving on Wednesday, Nov. 25, with a special day entitled A Harvest of Gratitude. Students, parents, faculty, staff and administration participated together in a day long series of events highlighting the joys of gratitude.
The morning began with an opening assembly during which students, teachers and parents shared selected writings expressing memories of appreciation and gratefulness. These essays encouraged all to think of the benefits we enjoy during the course of the year. A candle-lighting symbolized each of the written offerings of good will. Displayed on the stage was a vast canvas of a bare tree prepared by art teacher Amanda Hoppe, that later would be dressed in multi colored leaves of thanks from each member of the school.
Choral selections under the direction of John Potosnak enhanced the theme of the day and Courtney Weiss-Chromeck piped samples of seasonal songs on bagpipes. Students then rotated by grade levels through several Stations of Gratitude, including Project Adventure events that highlighted cooperative game playing and group puzzle solving, an inspiring and empowering presentation by speaker Nick D’Agostino heightening the importance of valuing one another and oneself, and a time in small groups to write, address and prepare for delivery letters of gratitude that reach into our families and communities.
During lunch time, students viewed videos speaking of the abundance of food in the United States. As a response to these video clips, before eating, students focused on their meals remembering the farmers, kitchen crew and parents who grow, purchase, and prepare the food before them. This was another opportunity to be grateful.
At the closing assembly, a presentation entitled “Sisters” composed by sisters and faculty members Catherine Weiss and Weiss-Chromeck valued family connections reminding all that having a good, true friend, cousin or companion is as important as having a trusted sibling, viewing both circumstances as precious gifts in life. Faculty members then took an opportunity to honor one of our beloved and recently retired teachers by sharing their gratitude for working shoulder to shoulder with her and for the many colleagues we love and admire as we serve the students together.
Finally, teachers proceeded to the stage where, as a choir, they serenaded the students of our school with high hopes for all and gratitude for each child.