Sussex Borough passes budget, resolution to increase funds for infrastructure fixes

The Sussex Borough Council on May 17 passed a $100,000 bond ordinance to make improvements to its sanitary sewer system.
The ordinance passed 4-0. Councilman Jake Little was absent.
Ordinance 2022-07 improves upon previous ordinances from 2016 that appropriated $1.2 million in bonds or notes for various improvements to the water supply and distribution system and the sewer system, and a 2021 ordinance that approved $625,000 for improvements to the sewer system.
The cost of the project, previously estimated in December 2021 as $1,825,000, has increased to $1,925,000, requiring the borough to raise an additional $100,000.
The ordinance authorizes improvements, including the construction and rehabilitation of sanitary sewer force mains, together with all catch basins, pipes, pumps, structures, equipment, work and materials necessary for the project.
Borough Budget
The Sussex Borough Council on May 17 passed the borough’s municipal budget for 2022. The measure passed by a 4-0 vote. Councilman Jake Little was absent.
There are two caps on the budget. There is a 2 percent cap on the tax levy and a 2.5 percent cap on the budget. The borough’s $1,639,315.80 budget comes with a tax levy of $1,050,194, a 2.55 percent increase over last year. The increase will cost the average Sussex Borough home an increase of $41.50 a year. The borough is $11,000 below the 2 percent tax cap.