Sussex. The Sussex Borough Council on May 4 unanimously approved its 2021 budget, which calls for general appropriations of about $1.5 million.
The budget calls for a tax levy of about $1.02 million, a 3.2 percent increase over 2020. It applies $13,253 of banked cap to the levy. The banked cap had about $44,000 available.
The budget passed 4-0, with council president Walter Cleary III absent. Later in the meeting, the council accepted Cleary’s resignation because he has moved out of the borough, then elected Councilman Mario Poggi president.
Borough officials anticipate about $2.40 million in revenues for 2021, down from the $2.57 million anticipated in 2020. The utility brought in about $2.45 million last year but fell short in covering expenses by about $118,000.
The borough in December passed an emergency state budget program that would help them cover the shortfall. Mike Marceau, the borough’s chief financial officer, on March 2 said the borough has until the end of 2021 to use it.