Sparta’s interim superintendent is leaving
Sparta. The school board president said Patrick McQueeney never sought to be the permanent superintendent because he didn’t want to lead a district his family was a part of.

Patrick McQueeney, who has been serving as interim superintendent through the pandemic, will be leaving the Sparta school district.
The board on March 18 accepted McQueeney’s resignation as assistant superintendent of curriculum and staff development. His resignation is effective June 30.
McQueeney did not seek to become Sparta’s permanent superintendent, said Kim Bragg, the school board president. He said he didn’t want to lead a district his family was a part of, she said.
“It was a personal choice on his part,” said Bragg. “He is beloved by everyone at this table. We also support his decision to do what’s right for his family.”
McQueeney was appointed the superintendent of the Wanaque School District, effective July 1. He has signed a contract with Wanaque that extends through June 30, 2025.
”I really respect your decision to put your family first,” Bragg said to McQueeney. “I know we’re going to work really hard together over the next couple of months. I was really impressed with your commitment to this district, even though you knew, and I knew, you were going to be leaving shortly.”
“He is beloved by everyone at this table.” Kim Bragg, school board president