Senior of the Year nominees sought
VERNON. Completed nomination forms must be returned by Oct. 30.

Nominations are being accepted for the Vernon Senior of the Year award.
Nominees should be people who have made a difference in the community and give willingly of themselves.
They must be age 65 or older and a Vernon resident in 2023. Vernon township employees or those serving on the Mayor’s Advisory Committee are not eligible.
Nomination forms are available online at or may be picked up at the municipal building or Senior Center.
Completed nomination forms must be returned by Oct. 30.
For information, call 973-764-5454.
The award will be presented at the Senior Holiday Luncheon on Dec. 14 at Black Bear Country Club.
In-person registration will be held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Oct. 18 at the Vernon Senior Center. The cost is $15 per person.