SCCC Foundation ‘funds the future’
Sparta. The Sussex County Community College Foundation held its 22nd annual signature fundraising event at Perona Farms in Sparta. About 115 guests were in attendance.

It was a crisp fall evening for the 22nd annual signature fundraising event for Sussex County Community College.
Funding Their Future welcomed 115 guests to Perona Farms in Sparta, NJ, on November 16. Attendees enjoyed a cocktail reception, a silent auction, and a highlight video presentation.
During the evening, guests mingled and enjoyed a delicious light-fare reception from local restaurants and cocktails. Welcome remarks came from Stan Kula, executive director of the Foundation, and Roger Thomas, Foundation Chair.
“The Funding Their Future event gives us the opportunity to celebrate with our friends and supporters and share all the great things at Sussex,” stated Stan Kula, executive director.
The College Foundation works to establish and maintain partnerships with corporate and Foundation donors. This year’s Platinum event sponsors were Thorlabs and Provident Bank, among the many organizations and businesses that show their continued support.
The Foundation generates funds through annual giving campaigns, special events, and direct contributions. The funds raised support student scholarships, infrastructure, and expansion. This year, Sussex received generous donations from FirstEnergy Foundation, Lakeland Bank, John A. and Margaret Post Foundation, The Department of Education, and many others.
The College’s annual scholarship event has taken place for the past 22 years and helps bridge the financial gap for students at the College. Through fundraising events such as Funding Their Future, the Foundation brings together area business leaders, College alumni, faculty, students, and staff to assist Sussex students financially. The Foundation awarded more than $150,000 in scholarships to eligible students this past year.
“This year’s Funding Their Future event was extra special because we were able to introduce several scholarship recipients and the impact it has had on their lives,” Kula said. “We also shared the news on opening the new Culinary Institute and how the community will benefit from these programs. As always, we appreciate the continued and generous support for our students and programs from everyone in the community.”