Proposed ordinance makes it easier for homeowners to install generators
Sparta. The township council introduced an ordinance that will allow generators to be used as an accessory on single-family detached dwellings, as long as they are five feet from property lines and us noise reduction technology.

The Sparta Township Council on Nov. 23 introduced a measure that will make it easier for homeowners to install permanent standby generators on their homes.
A public hearing and expected adoption is scheduled for Dec. 14.
Township engineer Stan Puszcz said under the current ordinance, a homeowner must go through a lengthy and public site-plan approval process before installing a generator. The ordinance would eliminate the need for that approval, he said.
Homeowners looking to install a generator would still need a zoning permit, which Puszcz said can be issued by the township.
“It’s just not making the homeowner go through that process,” he said.
The ordinance will allow generators to be used as an accessory on single-family detached dwellings. They must be five feet from the side and rear property lines and will not be allowed in the front yard.
The size of the generator may not exceed 40kw unless the pad supporting the unit meets or exceeds the side yard and rear yard setbacks for a principal structure in the property’s zone. Noise reduction technology must be used.
Maintenance is permitted only between 10 a.m. from 5 p.m. and can only occur once a week for 30 minutes, unless the unit is undergoing repair.
Permanent standby generators are permitted in all non-residential zones. They are not limited by size but must adhere to all other standards.