Patrick Rizzuto, challenger for Vernon Township Council

Patrick Rizzuto (Growing Vernon for All the People) is running for Vernon Township Council.

| 28 Oct 2021 | 05:04

Married to Barbara, my wife of 60 years. Our three children, Patrick Jr., Lauren, and Dianne, were all educated in Vernon schools. Our son Patrick Jr. retired from the USAF as a Lt. Colonel and our daughters are both teachers. We have 10 grandchildren and one great-grandson, Noah.

Educational background: BS Marketing, Seton Hall University; MBA Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Career history: Sales representative McNeil Labs, vice president sales Frier Industries, president of Castle Sales. Member of Vernon Township Board of Education for 15 years, board president for eight years. Closely involved with referendum passage and construction of Vernon Township High School, Glen Meadow School and Cedar Mountain School. Councilman Vernon Town Council six years and council president two years. Member of St. Francis Parish since its inception.

I believe there are a number of critical issues facing our township, all very challenging, and together with Brian Lynch we can help to resolve these issues. Once in office we will listen to our employees in appropriate settings and our professionals to evaluate the necessary information to arrive at a decision that reflects the thinking of the majority of the members.

1. Reducing taxes: My wife and I moved to Vernon from “down below” as many of us did to build homes, raise families, and grow our lives in this beautiful community. But we, as many others, are now being taxed out of Vernon due to continual staggering tax increases. I hope to again address this pressing issue that drains the financial life blood from all of us and most especially our seniors who live on a limited budget. During my last tenure on the council, the township had a municipal tax reduction in three of those years and no increase in the last year.

2. Promote increased commercial ratables to offset tax increases and provide employment opportunities in town: We must seek professional help and guidance to attract tax-paying businesses. During my last tenure on the town council, we were able to increase our ratables by over $30 million over the six-year period.

3. Restore trust in our government: Trust in your government comes from the open conduct of township business professionally with ready public participation. I will insist on establishment of open face-to-face meetings along with electronic transmissions. The people may not have to agree with all the decisions of its government, but they do have the right to express dissent. I can point out with pride that the meetings that I chaired were run professionally, orderly, allowing ample time for participation and keeping discussion on the issues before the council.