Mother’s Day Pledge and Clothesline Project are reminders that abuse can happen in any community
Newton. Domestic Abuse & Assault Intervention Services is asking members of the public to make a donation to honor their mothers or other special women in their lives as a pledge to end violence against women.

This Mother’s Day, Domestic Abuse & Assault Intervention Services (DASI) is asking folks to give a special gift.
To participate in DASI’s Mother’s Day Pledge, donate $25 in honor of your mother or another special woman in your life as a pledge to help end violence against women.
“We are doing a mail campaign — materials were mailed to all in our database — as well as an online crowdfunding campaign,” said Kim Spangenberg, MS, DASI’s chief executive officer. “Through this effort, we are honoring women and spreading the word that domestic abuse is everywhere: even in your own community.
“We call on every friend of DASI to show respect for women every day, not just on this Mother’s Day. By donating $25 in honor of your Mom or other special women in your life, you are making a personal commitment to end violence against women.”
In addition, DASI is holding its annual Clothesline Project. Have you seen those tee-shirts hanging in the Newton Green?
”The idea is that survivors are ‘airing their dirty laundry’ for all the community to see in order to bring domestic and sexual violence out of secrecy and into community awareness,” Spangenberg said.
This is an annual event that DASI hosts in honor of Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Awareness Month. “We partner with Ginnie’s House to bring awareness to community on these important topics,” Spangenberg said. “The tee-shirts hanging in the green were created by survivors of domestic and sexual violence and their loved ones.”
In creating these tee-shirts or speaking out about their abuse, survivors can find their voice and healing while educating the public and eradicating stigma, she said.
This year Kelly Brown received the Full Circle Award.
“She went from victim, to survivor, to thriver,” said Spangenberg.
To support the Mother’s Day Pledge, visit