Miss Wantage pageant winners announced

| 02 Jun 2015 | 04:19

The Annual Little Miss Wantage, Little Mister Wantage and Miss Wantage 2015 Pageant was held on May 30 at the municipal building.

Nicole Marie Chirico was named Miss Wantage for 2015.

Winners were Carlie Tina DiCArlo for Little Miss Wantage and Ayden James Krentz for Little Mister Wantage.

Mistress of ceremonies was Cindy Zajac with judges Donna Leuzzi of Montville, Sharyn Nest of Hardyston, and Judith Zisa of Towaco,

Former Miss Wantage winners Courtney De Waal Malefyt (2014), Katlyn Van Horn (2013), Megan Zummo (2011), Little Miss Madeline Kinney and Little Mister Henry Lee Boutillette returned to crown this years winners.

— Photos by Gale Miko