Local DAR wins awards at state conference
WANTAGE. Several members of the Chinkchewunska chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution attended the conference.

Members of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) from throughout the state last month attended the New Jersey State Society Daughters of the American Revolution annual autumn state conference, held at Forsgate Country Club in Monroe Township.
Several members of the Chinkchewunska chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution attended the conference. They were Katherine Cook (chapter regent), Bonnie Matthews (chapter vice regent, honorary state regent), Laura Franek (chapter treasurer and personal page to the state regent), Lisaann Permunian (chapter corresponding secretary), Kathleen Weakland (chapter librarian), and chapter members Joanne Cosh, Nancy Kritch (honorary state chaplain) and Allyn Perry.
The Chinkchewunska chapter received a Blue Ribbon Award for Chapter Achievement (101-150 members).
The chapter also received the following national DAR awards:
• American Indian Committee: Eastern Division Outstanding Chapter.
• DAR Good Citizen Committee: Glimmer Award for Outstanding Activity or Event.
• Conservation Committee: Franek received Outstanding Reporting by a Division Vice Chair and Outstanding Service as a Division Vice Chair.
• Constitution Week Committee: Permunian received Exceptional Committee Support to the Eastern Division
• Volunteer Information Specialist Committee: Permunian received Outstanding Use of Technology for the Eastern Division.
The chapter will be hosting a Christmas on the Glen Farm event Nov. 18. For information and tickets, send email to vanbunschootenmuseum@gmail.com
The Chinkchewunska chapter owns and operates the Rev. Elias Van Bunschooten Museum in Wantage.