Library now offers contactless grab-and-go delivery
Newton. Patrons on the waiting list will be first served. Every item returned will be quarantined before being sanitized, checked in, and ready for a new borrower.

Contactless grab-and-go pickup for items currently on hold began June 22 at the Sussex County Library System, which has also opened its book drops.
The library system started the service on June 22, after Gov. Philp Murphy allowed this service as part of New Jersey’s reopenin.
“The first step is to allow patrons to return all their current items,” said library director Will Porter. “Every item will be quarantined for 72 hours before being sanitized, checked in and ready for a new borrower.”
All items currently checked out have been extended through July 31 so borrowers still have several weeks for returns.
“Our holds shelves are already quite full,” Porter said. “And contacting those borrowers who have been patiently waiting is first on our list. As soon as that backlog is taken care of, we’ll open up the catalog so that borrowers can place new holds directly, without having to call the library.”
Grab-and-go pickups will be scheduled Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with 10 to 11 a.m. reserved for the borrowers in vulnerable populations.
“These are just the first steps in our phased reopening,” Porter said. “Plans continue to evolve based on guidance from the state and the availability of enough supplies to properly protect our staff and borrowers.”
In the meantime, the library system’s expanded online resources continue to be available. The summer reading program began on June 22 as planned, with all programs held online.”
For more details on everything from reopening to registering for summer reading, visit the SCLS website: