Lake Mohawk Golf Club to host state golf association tourney
| 13 Jul 2020 | 04:30

Sparta. The Lake Mohawk Golf Club will host the New Jersey State Golf Association and the New Jersey State PGA tournament on Friday, Aug. 7, at 12:30 p.m. There will be a flexible format, play as a team in the shamble (Best Drive- play your own ball from there) and compete for team awards. Fees will be $125 per single golfer and $500 for a Foursome. There will be a barbecue buffet dinner and awards at 5 p.m. Mail a check payable to SLBA to 18 Cardinal Drive, Sparta NJ 07871 or via Venmo to @MichaelRennie. For more information, call Rennie at 973-951-3634.