How to help those in need
HOLIDAYS. Here is a list of places to donate or help others during the holiday season.

• The Bells of Franklin, an ecumenical group, is accepting donations for a charity that helps local people in need. Representatives will be at the Walmart in Franklin each night from 4 to 8 p.m. until Saturday, Dec. 23.
• Patchwork Pastures Animal Sanctuary in Wantage is accepting gently used and new gift items, home décor, crafts, toys, holiday items as well as ongoing bread donations. Call 973-222-5162 for an appointment to schedule a donation delivery. No books, clothes or linens needed.
• The Sussex County Recovery Community Center hosts an annual Giving Back Tree project to support the Weekend Bag program. Donate nonperishable food items through the end of the year to aid the charity that sends food and hygiene items home with students who would otherwise be without. Drop off donations at the center, 65 Newton Sparta Road, Newton. On Friday, Jan. 12, volunteers will assemble the weekend bags.