High school seniors win Good Citizen Awards
WANTAGE. The Chinkchewunska Chapter of the National Daughters of the American Revolution honors 11 students.

The Chinkchewunska Chapter of the National Daughters of the American Revolution presented 11 high school seniors with the Good Citizen Award at an evening reception April 15 at the Elias Van Bunschooten Museum in Wantage.
The award is given nationwide each year by the DAR to outstanding high school seniors who exemplify good citizenship, dependability. service, leadership and patriotism in their homes, schools and communities.
The recipients for 2024:
• Kaylan Bowden of Wallkill Valley Regional High School.
• Julia Seiminski of High Point Regional High School.
• Mackenzie Genung of Newton High School.
• Teagan Smith of Sussex County Technical School.
• Corey Vander Groef of Veritas Christian Academy.
• Thomas Galvez of Hopatcong High School.
• Parker Hein of Sparta High School.
• Alison Mazich of Pope John XXIII High School.
• Makenna Thomas of Vernon Township High School.
• Bethany Mayer of Lenape Valley Regional High School.
• Amanda Lo of Kittatinny Regional High School.