From black plastic to spring magic
Vernon. Volunteers from across the community worked hard to make Vernon’s Town Center more beautiful this spring.
You may have noticed a difference on Main Street just before Earth Day.
To improve the visual landscape of Vernon’s Town Center, volunteers created beautiful wooden planter boxes to replace the black plastic bags that have covered the inactive fire hydrants for way too long.
Sally Rinker and the Economic Development Committee came up with the design, Councilman Andrew Pitsker coordinated the project, Suez Water granted permission to cover the fixtures until they are ready for active use, the Vernon Rotary Club provided funding, and Boy Scout Troop 404 built the planters.
Now, the Vernon Beautification Committee will do their magic and add beautiful flowers, which will really give Main Street a boost.
Once these hydrants are connected to the water line, the boxes will be removed and used in other Town Center locations.