Dirt Magazine’s Kitchen Garden Tour gets national recognition

CHESTER — Dirt magazine, sister publication to The Advertiser-News, was tapped as a finalist for the Association of Magazine Media Imagination Awards, for its annual Kitchen Garden Tour.
Dirt is competing in the events category against national independent magazine outlets like Dwell.
The winner will be announced in May in San Francisco.
“Kitchen gardeners don’t expect a lot of back-patting — but they deserve it,” said Dirt Editor Becca Tucker, at last year’s post-tour party. “Every bite of food they grow is a bite that did not have to be shipped across the country or the world, that wasn’t sprayed with Round-up. Every person who gets to eat the food that comes out of a local garden is healthier for it, and more strongly connected to nature, to the gardener, and to the place we all live.”
Now in its third year, this summer’s Kitchen Garden Tour will bring garden peepers together on Sunday, July 24.
Last year’s sponsors are on board again. To become a sponsor, call Frank Curcio, the Straus director of sales, at 845-469-9000.
If you know someone who deserves props for their backyard props, in Orange County, N.Y., or Sussex County, N.J., nominate them – or yourself – at kitchengardentours.com.
From rookies to master gardeners, solo efforts to community gardens, kids to retirees, all are welcome.
The only rule is that nominees cannot have hired garden help.
“This is where the revolution starts,” said Vernon, N.J., resident Nathan Johnson after touring gardens with his family last summer. “Taking back and reconnecting with our land, our food, our health and our communities.”
This year’s Kitchen Garden Tour on July 24 concludes with a reception and awards ceremony from 6 to 8 p.m. at Mohawk House, The Restaurant in Sparta, N.J.
Tickets on sale now at kitchengardentours.com