DAR awards luncheon March 2
LAFAYETTE. The Chinkchewunska Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution will host its 28th annual community awards luncheon at the Farmstead Golf & Country Club.

The Chinkchewunska Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution will host its 28th annual community awards luncheon at noon Saturday, March 2 at the Farmstead Golf & Country Club in Lafayette.
The public is invited.
Tickets are available in advance only. They may be purchased by contacting Katherine Cook at chinkchewunskachapterregent@gmail.com or 973-896-0356 by Feb. 22.
The Chinkchewunska Chapter presents awards annually to individuals and/or groups throughout the county. Many requirements have to be met for the awards to be approved by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.
These are the award recipients who will be honored at the luncheon:
Community Service Award: The Weekend Bag Program is an initiative created and run by Isobel Costello and her sisters, Olivia and Magdalen. In 2016, when Isobel was a freshman in high school, she noticed a trend in conversations with peers during the school day. They were concerned about going home to nearly nothing to eat and little to no hygiene products.
Olivia and Magdalen raise funds all year long to be able to put bags together weekly during the 10-month school year for students throughout Sussex County. Working with a liaison in the school allows for students on the program to remain anonymous.
Media and Entertainment Award: DJ James Borasio and WNNJ. This is the first year of this award, which honors a person or group who promotes education, historic preservation and patriotism.
During Borasio’s “Early Risers Club,” every morning, he pauses to honor veterans by playing the National Anthem. On every Veterans Day, veterans come in the studio to play their music and share their stories of their military service. WNNJ and Borasio also participate in 9-11 tributes and other events honoring veterans.
Historic Preservation Award: The Friends of the Old Clove Church, a group of volunteers who raised enough money in 1972 to purchase the historic Old Clove Church and property surrounding it. The historic building was built in 1829.
Since then, the Friends of the Old Clove Church have been maintaining the church and grounds and opening the church for an annual service, weddings, baptisms and other special events.
History Award: Sharon Spangenberg for her dedication to the preservation and sharing of Sussex County history.
A life member and trustee of the Walpack Historical Society, she has done extensive research in the area, including finding the exact location of Fort Nomanock in Sandyston and of the Pleasant Valley Church in Walpack.
Spangenberg has written more than 50 articles for Walpack’s newsletter. Her research contributed to the installation of the historical marker for the Village of Flatbrookville.
She also is one of four dedicated volunteers who care for five burial grounds in Walpack.