Crossfitters versus bodybuilders: who’s the fittest of them all?

| 16 Dec 2013 | 12:59

Intrepid Strength and Conditioning, home of Crossfit Warwick and Crossfit LMS (Lake Mohawk Sparta) hosted the first-ever crossfit vs. bodybuilding challenge at their 38 Station Road location and raised more than $150 to benefit the Sparta Ecumenical Food Pantry.

During the event, competitors faced off in four events — two of which, the max back squat and bench press, would benefit bodybuilders competing, and two, pullups for repititions and the deadlift/burpee workout of the day (W.O.D.), would benefit the crossfitters.

Competing for the bodybuilders were Jeremy Slate of Hamburg, and Victor Russinko of Franklin. Crossfit competitors included Ryan Hansen of Warwick, Ray Trinidad of Frankford, John Schamarek of Warwick, Ben Chianchiano of Vernon, Sarina Lavooy of Vernon, Heather Dobbs of Sussex, and Sharon Schultz of Franklin.

“For us,” said Intrepid Strength and Conditioning co-owner Katie Hansen, “it’s all about the community.”

By promoting holistic medicine and self-awareness in addition to strength and conditioning, Hansen says that community can be at their best every day.

“These feats of athleticism are just the icing on the cake,” she added.

Crossfit is a style of training developed in the early 2000s which adheres to a constantly-changing mix of aerobic exercise, gymnastics and Olympic weight lifting. Ryan and Katie Hansen, who started Intrepid Strength and Conditioning by opening in Crossfit Warwick in 2011, expanded and opened Crossfit LMS late last year.

“We have developed a great community in Warwick and learned a lot in the process,” said Katie Hansen. “And using that experience we have already established a community in Sparta that might be even more close knit.”

For more information on Intrepid Strength and Conditioning, visit, find them on Facebook or call 845-986-7800.