Congresssman Rush Holt featured speaker at Sussex Dems fundraiser
| 28 Jan 2014 | 04:25
Sussex County Democratic Committee (SCDC) Chairman Mike Busche announced that Representative Rush Holt, Democratic Congressman representing the 12th District in central New Jersey, will be the featured speaker at the SCDC's First Annual Cabin Fever Dinner Dance, to be held on Feb. 8, at American Legion Post 86, 20 Yates Avenue, Andover/Newton, NJ, at 5:30 p.m.
In addition to a buffet dinner and dancing, the event offers the opportunity to meet and have your photo taken with the congressman who beat the computer at Jeopardy. The admission is $60 per person or $100 per couple.
For information, go to, or contact Diane Wexler at or call 973-764-5446.