Commissioners greenlight $19.2 million for upgrades
Sussex County. A mix of grants and bonds will be used to buy vehicles and resurface roads. Commissioners agreed to borrow $900,000 for HVAC repairs and a shed replacement at Sussex County Technical School.

The Sussex County Commissioners approved three ordinances, totaling about $19.2 million, to make improvements throughout the county and at the Sussex County Technical School.
The measures passed 4-0 on April 29. Commissioner Herbert Yardley was absent.
The largest was a $15.2 million bond ordinance that will be used to purchase vehicles, including a single-axle dump truck, and improve bridges throughout the county.
The ordinance calls for about $7.5 million of the funds to be bonded, while about $7.3 million of the funds will come from grants.
The grants will be primarily used for road resurfacing projects and for work on some of the county’s bridges.
The commissioners also approved a $900,000 bond for Sussex County Technical School, which is earmarked for HVAC repairs and a replacement salt shed.
They also approved a $3.1 fully funded capital ordinance that will not cause the county to take on any more debt.
The ordinance will pay for various technology upgrades to the county’s security system, the Department of Public Works radio system, and traffic safety vehicles.
It will also be used for site remediation projects; vehicles, including a bus for the transit system; and crack sealing for the roads.