Brendan Boen receives Superintendent’s Roundtable Award
Byram. This math- and science-loving student at the Sussex County Charter School for Technology is interesting in pursuing environmental science or engineering in college.

The Sussex County Charter School for Technology has chosen Brendan Boen of Byram Township for the Sussex County Superintendent’s Roundtable Award.
“Brendan is a terrific asset to our charter school community,” said school superintendent Noreen Lazariuk. “Not only is he a dedicated student, but he is kind and helpful to all. As a student, Brendan goes above and beyond in his work and has a contagious can-do attitude. He is also a model school citizen — he is friendly, kind, and respectful to everyone. Throughout his three years at Charter he has grown tremendously as a student, peer, and individual. He truly embodies our school’s sense of respect, responsibility, and resilience.”
Brendan is a dedicated and conscientious student who has maintained an A average throughout his middle school academic career, including all three years at the Sussex County Charter School for Technology. He has consistently received honor roll and high honor roll designations, and is a member of his school’s chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. His favorite subjects are math and science.
He will be attending the Academy of Environmental Science at Jefferson High School as part of Morris County Vocational School’s dedicated full-time academy program. He is currently interested in studying environmental science or engineering at the collegiate level.
Brendan has played with the Lenape Valley Soccer Club’s travel team since 2014. At Sussex Charter, he participated in the Pet Rescue, School Climate, and Greenhouse clubs and played for the school soccer team.
He has also served as a peer tutor in math, both at school and as a volunteer. He has helped out with numerous food and clothing drives in the community and recently has done environmental remediation volunteer work at Liberty State Park and Stokes State Forest. In his spare time, he enjoys tennis, traveling, hiking, cooking, and playing with his pets.