Andrew Pitsker, incumbent for Vernon Township Council
Andrew Pitsker (Common Sense, Business Oriented, Financially Responsible) is an incumbent running for re-election to the Vernon Township Council.

My family and I relocated here from Lagrange, Georgia, in 1993. Vernon values of family, quality of life, schools and the people are what brought us here and what I want to continue for the next generation.
My track record on the Vernon Township MUA and town council has proven I know how to control costs, improve revenue, and do business that will make Vernon financially stronger and promote growth, while promoting a safe and beautiful community.
I have played an integral role in the following policies and projects: short-term rental regulations for safety and revenue to decrease property taxes; town center redevelopment plan, approving future businesses; development of recreation and conservation amenities; increase funding and equipment for emergency services; and increase the township’s financial stability with smart growth infrastructure initiatives.
The three most pressing issues Vernon faces are: stabilize taxes, strengthen infrastructure, and attract new businesses.
How to address them:
● Address economic goals for future growth: By addressing the 14 vacant properties on Theta, Omega, and Church that have been sitting for over 30 years with no development. Town Center growth has been stagnant for over 30 years with no development of Church Street properties. These properties are not serving the people of Vernon being vacant and are not producing ratables or services. Why? We need to pursue solutions that will attract new businesses and therefore ratables, services and a true town center.
● Work with our committees and administration by supporting marketing initiatives to move these properties so that they can be developed to bring in more ratables.
● Strengthen the infrastructure of the town by supporting the completion of sewer and water to town center, thereby retaining new businesses and attracting new development.
● Address and actively pursue business solutions to grow Vernon’s tax ratables and therefore build future tax revenue, while addressing tax increases in the future.
● Support businesses’ needs and address how to make it easier to bring a business into the town.
● Make it easier for small businesses to get started
● Support actions that produce a process package of requirements that is easy for applicants to follow and comply with the needs of zoning and building.
● We must support our Police, Fire and EMS people with training and equipment that keeps everyone in the community safe.
None of this is possible unless the town council and the mayor’s office can work together by collaborating, cooperating and communicating for the better of Vernon. This current council has started the progress and we need to keep that moving. Vote Auberger and Pitsker to keep Vernon moving forward.