School district budgets approved in election
FREDON. Two school board members were re-elected, and Jennifer Frame received 99 write-in votes for a three-year term.

Voters approved the Fredon Township School District’s 2023-24 budget in an election Tuesday, April 25, according to unofficial results provided by the Sussex County Clerk’s Office.
The vote was 203 in favor of the budget and 130 opposed.
The school board vice president, Arne Olsen Jr., and board member Anthony Corcella, who were running unopposed, were re-elected. Olsen won a third three-year term and Corcella will fill a one-year unexpired term.
For another three-year term, Jennifer Frame received 99 write-in votes compared with 76 for Donald Ciccolella. Board member Catherine Higgins did not seek re-election, and no one filed to run for that post.
The budget of about $5.5 million would raise the tax levy by 2 percent, or $51.10 for a home assessed at $100,000.
Voters in Montague also approved the school district’s budget, 160-106.
Fredon and Montague are the only school districts in Sussex County that hold elections in the spring.
In Montague, incumbents Paul Brislin, Andree Campbell and Christopher Bell were re-elected and Jaime Johnson won a seat on the school board.
About 10 percent of registered voters cast ballots in the election.