Students at the D'Marge Dance Studio in Newton perform during the annual Holiday Parade on Saturday, Nov. 25. (Photos by John Hester)

Little Mister Newton Roger McKelvie shows his excitement as he rides in a car during the parade.

Miss Wantage Mackenzie Brooke Baker tosses candy to the crowd.

Nancy Mettler of Andover Township looks very festive as she waits for the parade to start.

Warren Cramer, 5, of Green Township takes a bite out of his pretzel as his cousin Silas Van Haste, 4, of Green Township licks his lips after taking a bite of his pretzel.

Madlyn Vero, 4, of Hackettstown gets a quick word with Santa before a line of children forms to sit on his lap.

Dogs from the Seeing Eye and their caretakers make their way along the parade route.

Watching the parade are two sets of twins in the Van Curen family of Augusta. From left are Vinnie, 3; Dominic and Lexi, both 1; and Allison, 3.

Members of Girl Scout Troop 98316 march in the parade.

Miss Montague Ashleigh Dickson, who was chosen as Queen of the Fair in August, rides in the parade.

Franklin Band member Anne Erickson plays the tuba. At left is Robert Ernst on the snare drum.

The Kittatinny Regional High School Color Guard marches in the parade.

Students at the D’Marge Dance Studio in Newton do a kick line during the parade on Spring Street.

Members of Girl Scout Troop 98274 of Ogdensburg march in the parade.

Miss Franklin Chrystine Mowles waves to the crowd during the parade.

Miss Newton Abigail Gormley rides in the parade.

Bobby Jo Applegate of Newton feeds granddaughter Brittany Matlock, 2 months, of Newton. Brittany's big sister was marching with the Newton High School Marching Band.

A member of the Kittatinny Regional High School Marching Band.

The Newton High School Marching Band in the parade.

Goats marching along with members of the Sussex County Capricians 4-H Club in the parade.

Santa Claus rides on a firetruck in the parade.

A member of the Kittatiny Regional High School Marching Band.

William Joseph, the Sussex County town crier, makes his way down the street before the parade starts.

Thomas Hontz plays with the Hontz Family Band.

Marsha Letizia of Highland Lakes talks to her grandchildren Chloe Shenfeld, 8, of Demarest and Chloe’s brother Simon, 5. Their grandfather was marching in the parade. (

Boy Scout Troop 85 kicks off the parade.

Miss Hamburg waves to the crowd.

Antique cars make their way down the street during the parade.

A tractor precedes members of the Sussex County chapter of the Seeing Eye.

From left are Franklin Band members Dave Wells on trombone, Jay Sollers on clarinet and Robert Ernst on the snare drum.

Andrew Kosco of the Franklin Band performs in the parade.

The Green Township Fire Department.

The Andover Township Fire Department.

Members of Newton First Aid Squad march in the parade.

Newton Fire Department.