B’nai Shalom, Chabad to celebrate High Holidays
SUSSEX COUNTY. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services scheduled in Franklin, Newton and Sparta.

Jews will celebrate the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in the next few weeks.
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins at sunset Friday, Sept. 15 and may be observed for one or two days.
Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, begins at sunset Sunday, Sept. 24 and ends 24 hours later.
Services will be held at B’nai Shalom of Sussex County, the oldest Jewish congregation in the county, and at Chabad of Sussex County.
B’nai Shalom, with a history dating back more than 100 years, has has locations in Franklin and Newton. It is a traditional yet progressive congregation committed to engaging its members, creating a warm and welcoming family atmosphere, and enriching its community.
Its practices are aligned with aspects of both the Conservative and Reform movements of Judaism.
Chabad services
Chabad, which is based in Sparta, has Rosh Hashanah services scheduled Friday evening, Sept. 15 and the mornings of Saturday, Sept. 16 and Sept. 17.
A holiday dinner, by reservation only, will follow the Friday service.
There will be a Yom Kippur Eve service Sunday, Sept. 24 and services throughout the day Monday, Sept. 25 followed by a Break-Fast meal.
No affiliation is required, and there is no charge for seats although donations are welcome.
For information and reservations, call 973-726-3333, send email to rabbi@JewishSussex.com or go online to https://www.jewishsussex.com
Complimentary membership
At B’nai Shalom, Rabbi Molly Karp will join the synagogue’s cantor, Rebecca Zwiebel, for a full schedule of High Holiday services.
All prospective members will receive a one-year complimentary membership.
B’nai Shalom also offers services for all significant holidays and bi-weekly Friday evening and Saturday morning Sabbath services as well as a religious school.
The religious school meets weekly on Sunday mornings and provides religious instruction for children from pre-K through their Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
For information, send email to bnai.shalom.sussex.nj@gmail.com