40 firefighters finish training
NEWTON. Sussex County Community College’s Public Safety Training Academy holds its annual firefighters graduation.

Sussex County Community College’s Public Safety Training Academy (PSTA) recently held its annual firefighters graduation.
This year, 40 people graduated from the program.
PSTA director John Dixon and his team brought together more than 250 firefighters, family members and friends for the celebration.
The Branchville Fire Department acted as the Honor Guard for the event. Live music was presented by the Bergen County Firefighters Pipe Band.
Speakers included New Jersey Fire Marshal Rich Mikutsky; Sussex County Fire Marshal Virgil Rome; Victor Stagnaro, chief executive of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation; and Mike Daley, captain of the Monroe Fire Department.
The PSTA is ramping up its course offerings, programming and services to local law enforcement, firefighters, emergency medical services and the community. For information, go online to sussex.edu/psta