25th annual Clothesline Project canceled
NEWTON. The event has been canceled because of the forecast of rain.

DASI: Domestic Abuse & Sexual Assault Intervention Services and Ginnie’s House Children’s Advocacy Center again canceled its 25th annual Clothesline Project because of expected rain.
It originally was planned for April 1, then moved to Saturday, April 15 at Newton Green. No new date was set.
The event marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Clotheslines are hung with shirts decorated by survivors or those who care about them to reflect personal experiences with sexual violence and domestic violence. The project aims to let people tell their story in their unique way and hang it publicly for the community to see.
Planned were Coffee with a Cop from 10:30 to 11 a.m., speeches by community leaders from 11 a.m. to noon, then a family-friendly fair from 1 to 3:30 p.m., featuring community partner resources, face painting, bike raffles and other activities.
For information, go online to https://fb.me/e/2CG343ILW
DASI also is looking for volunteers to join its crisis response teams.
Response team volunteers assist survivors of domestic and sexual violence by lending support in their time of need.
A 60-hour training class starts April 24.
For information, send email to elias@dasi.org.