150 attend veterans picnic
HAMBURG. ‘It’s a way of showing gratitude to those who have given so much,’ says Lorraine Hentz, director of the county Division of Senior Services.

About 150 veterans attended the 10th annual veterans picnic, hosted by Sussex County Division of Senior Services, on Saturday, Aug. 19.
The barbecue lunch was free for veterans and their families. This was the first year that it was held at the Hamburg Fire Department Pavilion.
Eric Waldman of Peace Farmers played music, and various gift cards were handed out as door prizes.
About 20 volunteers helped with the event.
Local organizations, such as the Sussex County Division of Senior Services, the Center for Prevention & Counseling, and Sussex County Public Health Nursing, provided information about their services.
The picnic was put together by the Sussex County Veterans Committee, county Division of Senior Services and county Board of Commissioners.
Faith Vohden of the Veterans Committee said the group effort was headed by Lorraine Hentz, director of the Division of Senior Services/deputy county administrator.
“It’s a way of showing gratitude to those who have given so much,” said Hentz.
The gift cards were donated by Sussex County Commissioners Chris Carney and Dawn Fantasia, Sussex County Clerk Jeff Parrott, the county Division of Senior Services, Richard and Faith Vohden, and the Sussex County YMCA. The county Division of Senior Services paid for the food.
“We’re consistently giving back to show our appreciation,” said Carney, who was helping serve food along with Fantasia.
He said Hentz and the Division of Senior Services does a great job with the event.
The Division of Senior Services also is planning a Salute to Military Veterans Parade at 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 5 in the Richards Building at the Sussex County Fairgrounds.
There will be an essay contest for Sussex County sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders, who write about veterans and Veterans Day; one boy and one girl each will receive $200 and will read their essays at the parade.
The division also hold a Design a Pin contest; the winning pin will be distributed at the event. The winning designer will receive $200.
Bagels and coffee are served before the parade with hot dogs, soda, cupcakes and cookies served it. It is free, and no registration is required.
Also scheduled are a Healthy Living Festival on Sept. 22 at United Methodist Communities at Bristol Glen in Newton, a Caregiver Expo on Oct. 26 at Farmstead Golf & Country Club in Lafayette, and a Senior Services Open House on Dec. 8 at Sussex County Community College in Newton.
We’re consistently giving back to show our appreciation.” - Chris Carney, director, Sussex County Board of County Commissioners