River Valley Artists presents 'Autumn Spectacular'
Port Jervis. Art Around Town brings photographs, paintings, and pastels of local scenes in fall to venues around Orange County, N.Y.

The River Valley Artists Guild is now exhibiting its new fall shows, "Autumn Spectacular!" and its members exhibit as part of its Art About Town program.
The guild is bringing its art to locations around Orange County, N.Y., through Nov. 30. Included are photographs, paintings, and pastels that celebrate the beauty of autumn found in the area.
“I hope the viewer will enjoy the appeal of color, styles and local talent represented," says Art About Town curator Susan Miiller.
Bon Secours Hospital
Bon Secours Hospital, 160 East Main St., Port Jervis, N.Y. -- Monday through Friday, 8-4 p.m., first floor cafeteria.
Susan Miiller will display her fall-themed oil paintings. “I want to give the viewer the appeal of color and luminosity." She has won many Orange County Community Arts Grants and her work is included in many important collections.
Gio’s Gelato Café
Gio’s Gelato Café, 30-32 Front St., Port Jervis, N.Y. -- Daily, except Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m.-9 p.m.
Daniela Cooney takes her inspiration from her home in the Hudson Valley, painting in water soluble oils and acrylics.
Joan Kehlenbeck, guild president, exhibits her fall-themed oil paintings and pastel drawings that feature local, historic buildings and scenes. In 2016, she was awarded Individual Artist Award by the Orange County Arts Council.
Judith Cramer says of her work: “I work in acrylics, pastel and pencil and my style ranges from impressionism to the abstract.”
Patty Koch is a self-taught artist with nearly 50 years of art experience.
Joan Standora, a Ph.D. psychologist, has returned to oil painting, enjoying the expression of non-verbal but meaningful messages to the eye and heart.
Elva Zingaro is a retired teacher turned full-time artist who says she paints “because I must! Art brings joy to my life and fills my heart and soul with peace."
Deerpark Town Hall
Deerpark Town Hall, 420 Route 209, Huguenot, N.Y. -- Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Joan Kehlenbeck exhibits her fall-themed oil paintings and pastel drawings that feature local, historic buildings and scenes.
The Brotherhood Winery The 2019 River Valley Artists Guild Members Exhibit will be held at the Brotherhood Winery’s Tasting Room, 100 Brotherhood Plaza Drive, Washingtonville, N.Y., through Oct. 23, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Sunday.
Included in the exhibit are oil and acrylic paintings, pastels and mixed media works by local artists, including Daniela Cooney of Greenville, N.Y., Judith Cramer of Greenville, Joan Kehlenbeck of Cuddebackville, N.Y., and Susan Miiller of Sparrowbush, N.Y.
For more information email susanmiiller@yahoo.com or visit rivervalleyartistsguildofportjervis.com or the River Valley Artists Guild on Facebook.